Sunday, February 17, 2013


This weekend was surprising and exciting. It was surprising, mostly because a week ago, I didn't even realize I was going to go on a ski trip. Although I'm slightly disappointed that I was able to go as a result of other things being cancelled, I think it was well worth it. And here are some reasons why:

The amazing view aside, I think this trip was the most fun I've had snowboarding in a while. And I think I got better, which makes me want to snowboard more! Yay for improvement and wanting to be more active! 

I had Sarah Suk as my snowboard buddy! We had fun bonding, practising our S-turns, and staying perfectly still on the lift. I did not poke fun at her fear of heights at all, and I kept my arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times. We were very safe, and I would never think of endangering my dearest friend. She is very precious to me.

This ski trip marked me and Farisia's one-year anniversary! I met her on last year's ski trip, and you know how it goes. First it was a few conversations here and there, then we got each other's numbers, then came some coffee dates, and here we are now! I'm thankful that she has been willing to deal with my weirdness for a year and that she is someone who cares for me. Look at how happy we are together!

Bonding time in general! The best part about this weekend was that I am able to pick out many specific moments when I had real talk and really got to know people better. I love trips like these because of how much time there is, and even a little bit of time can make a huge different. When you have that much time and that many great people put together in one weekend, there is so much good that can come out of it! 

This is a picture of me and some of my fellow small group leaders/IVCF core fam! I got the opportunity to be a small group leader this retreat and it made the weekend that much better for two reasons:
#1. I loved getting to know my small group. I had four girls in my group, and it was so sweet talking to them, extending invitations to them, and practising loving them. 
#2. It made me reflect on how I've been allocating my time over the past semester, as in with who I choose to be with, what I choose to do, and why I choose these things. Not that I've been spending my time badly in past semesters, but it's evidently different, and it's good to stop and think about why things are changing.

Yet again, DAT VIEW! Hope is a tiny town, but it's so awesome to step outside and all you can see is water, mountains, and sky.  

Explorations! I am slow and not brave at all, but I like going places and being with people who make me a little braver. 

And despite only getting 6 hours of sleep over the entire weekend, having tough conversations, and being constantly surrounded by people, there was still time for rest and reflection.
Overall, I'd say it was a pretty good time.


sarah said...

so happy that you were there :)

farisia said...

i like this post. i like you.